related metrics presents an opportunity to trigger policy learning, action, and cooperation to bring cities closer to sustainable development.
Oral presentations must be prepared and exposed in English. Presenters should be sufficiently fluent in English to run presentation and discussion on high academic standards.
Only electronic files will be accepted for oral presentations. The authors should provide the presentations in MPEG-4 format which will be streamed during the duration of the conference.
All presentation videos will be accessible to registered participants in the duration of the conference: from April 7th, 9.00 AEST – April 9th, 24.00 HST. Answers to comments will be expected until April 10th, 24.00 HST.
If the video presentation is not submitted or the comments from participants have not been properly addressed in the online virtual conference system by the presenting author, the submission is automatically cancelled and the corresponding paper will be removed from the proceedings.
The conference organizers do not provide the templates for preparing the presentations. The authors are free to use their own templates and are entirely responsible for the presentation content (order, the loading, graphics...etc.).